Who was gay saget

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The movie has periodically been rerun on various TV networks and is available on DVD and VHS for a $20 donation at the Scleroderma Research Foundation.Īn extra feature of the movie was that it included a cameo appearance by Scleroderma Research Foundation founder Sharon Monsky. The original airing achieved the top Nielsen ratings for the time slot. Other cast members included Tracy Nelson and Chris Demetral.ĭana Delany had to have some significant prosthetic makeup applied to simulate the various degrees of disfigurement the main character, Hope, experienced as a result of the disease. Saget was found dead in an Orlando, Florida hotel room Sunday, January 9, 2022. Based on Saget's sister Gay, the movie showed the experience of a young woman fatally afflicted with the disease scleroderma. Bob Sage t’s sister, Gay, died of scleroderma at age 47, and he died on her birthday. In some patients scarring forms in the lungs and on the skin, changing a person’s. 1419 Pendrell Street, Vancouver, British ColumbiaĮnglish Bay Beach, Vancouver, British Columbiaįor Hope is a 1996 American made-for-television drama film starring Dana Delany and directed by Bob Saget. Scleroderma is an incurable chronic disease which means hard skin.

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